Vol. 15 No. EspecialII (2022): Participation as an educational tool for inclusion, coexistence and educational success

Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)

As pointed out by the international reference organisations (EU, UN, UNESCO), participation is a factor of social and educational integration which must be developed in educational programmes from early childhood onwards. From this perspective, participation, in addition to being an element of transparency and decision-making for the educational community as a whole, constitutes a working tool for the development of coexistence and a fundamental element for inclusion.

At the time, Dewey already indicated that democracy is not only a system of government, but a way of understanding coexistence and social relations, that is, of constructing the processes of participation in the community. Since then and up to the present day, many pedagogical authors have pointed out that participation, citizenship and democracy consist of a praxis that needs to be learned.

There is growing evidence that global actions of educational participation are an indicator of educational success and improved academic performance. In addition to promoting critical and reflective thinking, improving the climate of coexistence in schools and the satisfaction of all members of the educational community.

For this reason, the Journal of Learning Styles will dedicate the next Vol. 15 Special Issue II (2022) to the topic of participation as an educational tool for inclusion, coexistence and educational success.

We hope that the contents of this issue will be of use to members of the educational community and contribute to building a more democratic and inclusive school and society.

Lines of research:

The participation of the different members of the educational community: families, teachers and students.
Strategies for participation in the educational centre. Democratic construction and citizenship.
Democratic management of schools. Strategies for improving coexistence and inclusion.
Methodologies that encourage the participation of all members of the educational community.
The participation of families and the local community in educational institutions.
Educational innovation in the classroom. Learning from student participation in schools, colleges and universities.
Collaborative and networked work for the development of educational participation as a factor in school success. Experiences in community education.


Rut Barranco Barroso, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla- La Mancha. Department of Education and Science and Associate Professor at the UCLM. Rut.Barranco@uclm.es
Sonia Morales Calvo, Director of the Innovation and Social Inclusion Classroom of the UCLM. Member of the GIES research group. Sonia.Morales@uclm.es
Rosa María Marí Ytarte, Lecturer at the UCLM and Director of the Research Group GIES.

Promoting entities: 

Education and Society Research Group, GIES. University of Castilla La Mancha
European Regional Development Fund, European Union
Juanta de Castilla La Mancha


Action-research project for the coexistence, participation and school integration of students in Compulsory Secondary Education in CLM / SBPLY/19/180501/000345

Published: 2022-12-15


THEMATIC RESEARCH ARTICLES. Vol. 15 Special Issue II (2022)