Vol. 15 No. Especial (2022): Learning Styles and Teaching Styles. Pedagogical proposals for the transformation of education

					View Vol. 15 No. Especial (2022): Learning Styles and Teaching Styles. Pedagogical proposals for the transformation of education

The journal Estilos de Aprendizajecompletes its first 15 years with 30 published issues and more than 400 articles that highlight the background and evolution of studies on teaching and learning styles, as well as channelling the dissemination of advances in research and innovation in Education in recent years. In addition to increasing its indexing and impact with the recent incorporation to JCR-JCI and obtaining FECYT quality recognition in the area of Education and Educational Research, the journal aims to be a space for communication, critical reflection and knowledge transfer, through the dissemination of good practices and educational experiences that highlight projects and initiatives related to teaching/learning styles, spaces and methodologies,

In this new special issue to be published in November 2022, we will promote the dissemination of pedagogical proposals that include the methodology of Learning Styles, and the design of new lines of research and pedagogical application that enrich the range of didactic possibilities in the teacher-learner interaction. We have highlighted that people, both children and adults, learn differently. We only have to analyse how we each prefer an environment, a space, a situation, a type of exercise, pedagogical tools, methods, a degree of structure, technologies, a form of socialisation, a way of collaborating and sharing that shows that we have a "preferred learning style" or a way of learning.

Published: 2022-12-14