Vol. 13 No. 25 (2020): Space as a facilitator of learning and attention to diversity

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In the last decades changes in social, cultural and technological processes, among others, give a different perspective to education and its objectives. The new educational proposals have led to ideas based on the distribution and organisation of learning spaces. Psychological, physical and neuroscientist studies on the influence of spaces in human activity have concluded that space can transform and have a direct impact in the learning and development of people and organisations.

According to this premise, the scope of education in the XXIst century raises the need to rearrange educational spaces by promoting a new approach to learning environments. Some of the best educational centres in the world have already focused on the pedagogical value of learning spaces, where innovation can be related to the transformation experienced by both the work and study environments.

This particular setting serves as a social movement for modernization in response to technological innovation, and attention to diversity of people and learning styles. Such a transformation requires, on the one hand, a change in the teaching practice through the organization of learning spaces; and, on the other hand, the integration of active methodologies and new didactic elements that promote collaborative work, along with students' critical, creative and research thinking.

From this perspective, contemporary pedagogy requires the development of new spaces and inclusive educational environments, and also of new teaching and organizational approaches that meet the needs and requests of students as a whole.

To respond to these issues, Revista Estilos de Aprendizaje (Journal of Learning Styles) will focus its Vol. 13, No 25 (April 2020) on:

  • Active methodologies as a basis for the transformation of learning spaces.
  • Influence of learning spaces in attention to students' diversity
  • Virtual spaces and influence of technology in learning processes.
  • Influence of physical conditions in the cognitive processes of students' learning development
  • Design, implementation and assessment of learning spaces.
Published: 2020-04-20