Use of Databases in Repositories of undergraduate students of the Autonomous University of Queretaro




Databases, repositories, experimental design, statistical study, knowledge management


The use of Databases for information management has become a useful tool in scientific research; however, usability in higher level students is unknown. The objective of the research was to compare the use of Databases in Repositories before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in students of the Autonomous University of Querétaro to verify if usability had significant variations in the management of scientific knowledge. The quantitative method was obtained, under experimental design and application of the z test, applicable to two sample variances, based on a confidence level. Inferential statistics broke the lack of significant values ​​in the test performed. The use of Databases in Repositories during the lockdown is as frequent as the use of Databases in Repositories before the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion: These collections of information as technological tools have not been so present in formal education. Appropriate adjustments are required in the practices of scientific knowledge management when integrating the use of databases in the study plans.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Rodríguez-Aguilar, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México

Graduate in Computer Systems with a specialisation in Cultural Processes Reading and Writing and a Masters in Cultural Studies from the Autonomous University of Chiapas, with a degree in Bachelor's, specialisation and Master's by academic merit, and with Honourable Mention. She has carried out research and development work in the areas of education, technologies and cultural processes. He has participated as a speaker at various national and international conferences. He has a Technological Competences for Productivity accreditation, as well as a Level 1A technical support accreditation. She has worked as a lecturer in education, university teacher training, electoral processes and joint research projects. She is currently a student of the Doctorate in Educational Technology (DTE) at the Autonomous University of Querétaro and a promoter of education with a reflective approach through creativity and autonomy at higher education level.

Mª Sandra Hernández López, Universidad Autóboma de Querétaro, México

Bachelor's degree in accounting, master's degree in financial administration, doctorate in technology management and innovation, post-doctorate in innovation, technology and culture, currently full-time research professor at the Faculty of Engineering, years of teaching experience for 20 years teaching at different undergraduate, master's and doctoral universities, I was responsible for the General Coordinator of entrepreneurship and business incubator UAQ, Planning Coordinator of the Faculty of Fine Arts, representative of graduate studies at the H. Faculty Board of Directors, conducted some research projects (PEI) in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, several international publications (EDOCS, DOCUMENT VIEWER AND MANAGER OF HUMAN RESOURCES ISSN: 2340-1117 ISBN:978-84-616-3822-2 and national (THE UNIVERSITY AS A KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION SUPPORTED BY TECHNOLOGY IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBALIZATION ISBN: 978-607-513-026-2,etc. ) has done national and international works, has written several book chapters (COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS, THE TEACHING OF TECHNOLOGY AS A DETERMINANT FACTORS FOR GENERATING BUSINESS COMPETENCY UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE QUERÉTARO, Vol. Págs. 30 etc.), registration of an industrial design at IMPI, directed several theses for the Faculties of Accounting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Informatics, conducted didactic pedagogical courses for University teachers, advised FOPER projects, evaluator for several reference and indexed journals, evaluator for State and national SEP business projects, PRODEP profile.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Aguilar, V., Canchola Magdaleno, S. L., & Hernández López, M. S. (2022). Use of Databases in Repositories of undergraduate students of the Autonomous University of Queretaro. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(Especial), 170–179.