Vol. 14 No. Especial (2021): Women's visibility in education as a driver for change and equality

					View Vol. 14 No. Especial (2021): Women's visibility in education as a driver for change and equality

The UN Sustainable Development Goals reflect that quality education cannot be separated from achieving gender equality. Access to education improves people's quality of life, but only if this access includes inclusive and equitable education can it help develop solutions to the world's most serious problems. This requires the establishment of new scenarios that promote measures focused on advancing innovative training at different educational levels towards equality between women and men.

The need to work in a cross-cutting manner is the principle of equality of women and men in education, and in equality policies is included in different national and international regulations.

In this line, together with the measures proposed by international regulations, Spanish regulations propose, in addition to non-discrimination between male and female students, the need to promote proactive training towards equality for both sexes. This training necessarily involves, among other measures, research into teaching methodologies and content that recognise and make visible the contributions of women to education and social progress.

Published: 2021-10-25