Vol. 15 No. 29 (2022): Educational Innovation in Dentistry. Spaces, styles and models of teaching and learning.

Innovación Educativa en Odontología. Espacios, estilos y modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje

Teaching and learning in dentistry, as in any other healthcare branch, are undergoing a major transformation as a result of the incorporation of technology, both in traditional teaching spaces (classrooms, laboratories and healthcare clinics, among others) and virtual ones, and also due to the change in the profile of students, for whom technology is more than something complementary, it is a way of life.

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant the definitive leap in both theoretical and practical subjects in Health Sciences. This has led to an effort on the part of institutions and teaching staff to review and even redesign the guides for the different subjects, choosing in each case an instructional model adapted to this new reality.

With this issue dedicated to teaching innovation in the field of dentistry, the aim is to publicise new educational proposals implemented in different areas: universities, continuing education and postgraduate training centres, scientific societies and professional associations that transform teaching and learning methodologies, both for students, professionals and teachers.

These proposals will be aimed at achieving an education based on excellence and on continuous, dynamic training, adapted to any social or technological change that may arise, without forgetting to facilitate universal access, without discrimination of any kind.

All this implies, firstly, structural modifications and the incorporation of new resources. Secondly, active participation of both students and teachers, encouraging their capacity for reflection, analysis and criticism in learning and monitoring their progress and evaluation.

This issue of the journal Estilos de Aprendizaje aims to give visibility to research work, articles, experiences and projects on the following topics:

  • Instructional model for dental adaptation
  • Instructional model for dental adaptation
  • Digital transformation in the teaching of dentistry
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on practical dental education
  • Use of technology in dental education (magnification, digital dentistry, portfolio, simulation, virtual experiences and on-line practices...)
  • Transformation of educational spaces
  • Changes and evolution of learning styles in dental students
  • Models of educational assessment: rubrics, ECOES, clinical assessment platforms
  • Impact of holistic competency assessment in dental students
  • Perception of university training received by dental professionals
  • Educational quality: teacher training and evaluation
Published: 2022-05-02