Self-perception of the learning experience in the virtual environment in young university students with intellectual disabilities
SARS-Cov-19, Intellectual Disability, University, Virtual Spaces, InclusionAbstract
At the moment we are living it is urgent to give an inclusive response to the most vulnerable groups. The pandemic associated with SARS-Cov-19, declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), sets an unprecedented scenario for people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Various studies carried out for this purpose already identify, among other associated variables, an emotional imbalance and behavioral changes that originate due to the crisis and social isolation (Morales-Chávez, 2020). A quantitative study is presented as an exploratory study. An ad hoc instrument has been designed for a group of 14 young university students between the ages of 20 and 26, most of whom are men (71.4%) with ID. According to Hernández and Ortega (2016), the relevance of this topic is justified by the scarce presence in the scientific literature of research on inclusive education in virtual environments. The results obtained allow the perceived well-being and we can affirm that the climate generated seem to have reduced the states of reluctance, anxiety and frustration of the students, in a unique university experiential moment. The quantitative analysis, reflected in descriptive results, will allow decisions to be made about the actions that should be considered as continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process in virtual spaces, a necessary measure to be considered in the response to attention to diversity.
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