Pedagogy of emotion: Emotional literacy programme for adults with addictions




emotional literacy;, addictions;, positive self-concept;, high self-esteem;


There is nothing more natural or more powerful in human beings than sentiment. What really drives behaviour is desires, passions, affections and dreams, so that neither a school nor a life devoid of sentimentality is conceivable. The study presented here aims to determine the effects of conducting a sentimental literacy workshop with adults with addictions based on a qualitative research design. Before its implementation, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 residents of an addiction treatment centre in Cordoba (Spain) and a descriptive analysis was carried out of the texts obtained, finding that they suffer from an emotional block and lack of interest in culture. Once the five-week workshop was completed, it was evaluated through a discussion group in which all the participants took part. The results showed that it has facilitated the creation of an atmosphere of emotional well-being within the group and a high level of positive emotions. This could be an indicator that a positive self-concept and a high level of self-esteem –the foundation of intellectual curiosity- are forming within the subjects, which is only noticeable in the medium to long term.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Gil del Pino, Universidad de Córdoba, España

PhD in Education from the University of Cordoba (Spain), Professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Cordoba and Lecturer-Tutor at the Centro Asociado a la UNED in Cordoba. She holds 8 pre-doctoral qualifications (1 master's degree, 4 bachelor's degrees, two bachelor's degrees and 1 master's degree) and 2 six-year research fellowships. His lines of study are inclusive education and attention to social and cultural diversity. She has supervised 4 doctoral theses. She is a member of the Research Group. Education, Diversity and Society (SEJ477). His scientific production is distributed among books, chapters, articles and communications to national and international congresses. She has participated in numerous teaching innovation projects, some of them as coordinator. Finally, she has held, among other positions, that of Director of the Department of Education at the University of Cordoba and Director of the Master's Degree in Inclusive Education at the University of Cordoba.

María García Pérez, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, España

Degree in Pedagogy from the Pontifical University of Comillas, Diploma in Social Education from the University of Valladolid and PhD in Pedagogy from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Currently, she is a Professor in the Department of Theory of Education and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education of the UNED, where she teaches in the degree of Pedagogy, in the degree of Early Childhood Education and in the degree of Social Education. After holding several management positions, she is currently the Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Educational Intervention in Social Contexts, an official qualification of the Faculty of Education of the UNED. Her main lines of research focus on Human Rights and Education. Distance Education and Health Education. She is currently a member of the Research Group on Socio-educational Intervention in Social Contexts at the National University of Distance Education.

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María del Carmen Ortega Navas, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia,UNED, España

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (UNED). She teaches and researches in the Department of Theory of Education and Social Pedagogy (UNED). Her lines of research deal with health promotion and education, active and healthy ageing in adults and the elderly, lifelong learning and technologies. She has participated in projects and research groups institutionally recognised by UNED, two R+D+i projects of the Ministry of Education and others at European level. He has been PI in two research projects, in an educational innovation activity (2016-2017) and in two research and teaching innovation projects (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) in the framework of a Teaching Innovation Group. Member of the Socio-educational Intervention Research Group. She is the author of numerous publications in scientific journals and books. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences.


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Portada_Volumen 17, Número 33 (2024)



How to Cite

Gil del Pino, C., García Pérez, M., & Ortega Navas, M. del C. (2024). Pedagogy of emotion: Emotional literacy programme for adults with addictions. Journal of Learning Styles, 17(33), 126–137. I.4601