Family involvement at the heart of Rare Disease research
Rare Diseases, Families, Participation, Inclusion, Inclusive ResearchAbstract
The family is a key agent in the case of people with Rare Diseases (RD). In addition to their own functions, families face situations of stress and loneliness, which is why, from an inclusive and participatory perspective, it is necessary and rightful to create spaces for participation and presence, where their experiences and stories can be shared in order to learn about the barriers they encounter in their daily lives as they move through the different systems (educational, social, health). By organising a conference we aim to: encourage participation and presence, make the reality of these people visible, challenge social and educational-health agents and empower these families. The results place us in frameworks for future action: the conferences are a strategy to attract media attention and bring together people who are in the same situation, the shared experiences generate therapeutic emotional spaces and the incorporation of families into the research generates future implications and broadens perspectives. We conclude that inclusive and participatory research helps to advance knowledge of this reality and has an impact on the quality of life of these people.
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