Discursive strategies as a means to encourage active participation in virtual classrooms
Discursive Strategies, Active participation, Virtual Classroom, Teaching, LearningAbstract
The aim of the study is to identify and characterise the strategies applied by the teachers of the Bachelor's Degree in French Language Teaching programme to promote the participation of their students in the virtual classroom in the face of the new challenges derived from the pandemic where the virtual modality requires the adaptation of contents to a digital format and the development of new strategies that make the teaching-learning process possible. The methodological design of this research is quantitative descriptive and cross-sectional. The data were obtained from the answers obtained from the questionnaires applied to the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Teaching French (LEF) programme, who took subjects in virtual mode during the autumn 2021 period. The evidence identifies discursive strategies as promoting participation in the virtual environment in three areas: in the construction of knowledge, in the socio-affective area and in digital resources. It can be affirmed that teachers generate an atmosphere of trust and an empathetic attitude to encourage student contributions in these environments; however, there is a clear limitation in the use of digital media that generate intervention and active participation.
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