Theoretical framework for the evaluation of educational management for global competence.




global competence, education, leadership, school management


Global Competence is essential for interacting, working and acting as committed citizens in the new globalized society, and PISA evaluates it since 2018. However, educational centers demand an evaluation system to verify the adequateness of their management in order to develop this competence in their students. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide a new framework for evaluating leadership and school management to promote Global Competence.

A systematic bibliographic review on the subject has been carried out, analyzing both the Global Competence models and those for center management. As a result, an evaluation model of educational management has been achieved that considers the four dimensions of Global Competence (Environmental Research, Recognition of one's own perspective as well as the others’, Effective communication of ideas to different audiences, Taking action for the improvement of conditions) combined with the Creative Classroom Research (CCR) model, that offers a leadership and management evaluation instrument specifically conceived for its use in the educational field, and with a holistic approach that differentiates it from other evaluation models of quality and management. The CCR model has 8 main axes (Content and curriculum, Assessment, Learning practices, Teaching practices, Organization, Leadership and values, Interconnectivity and Infrastructure).


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Author Biographies

Eva García-Beltrán, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)

Lecturer at the International University of La Rioja, specialist in educational innovation and international education. Master's Degree in Higher Education from the European University (2014), Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Alicante (2002) and PhD Candidate in Education Sciences from the Camilo José Cela University since 2017. She has been linked to the university world for more than 15 years. She has worked in several private universities, dedicated to academic management and university teaching. She started her own company within the network of business incubators of MadridEmprende. She has worked at UNIR since 2013, where she has been postgraduate coordinator, manager of Faculty Services, academic coordinator of Master's degrees, and assistant to the Faculty Director.

Ángeles Bueno-Villaverde, Universidad Camilo José Cela (España)

PhD Professor at Camilo José Cela University and Coordinator of International Baccalaureate Professional Certificates. Master in International Education and Bilingualism. She has carried out numerous research projects on school coexistence, family participation in schools, innovative methodologies and attention to students with high intellectual abilities. She has supervised several doctoral theses.

Eva Teba-Fernández, Universidad Camilo José Cela (España9

Eva M. Teba Fernández. Doctora en Literaturas Hispánicas por Yale University; Master of Arts & Master of Philosophy por Johns Hopkins University (EEUU). Experta en Educación Internacional y Certificado IB por la Universidad Camilo José Cela, de Madrid. Cuenta con 17 años de recorrido docente e investigador en metodologías activas, gestión de la Calidad en colegios e impacto producido por la transformación de espacios en las comunidades educativas. Actualmente, es directora del Especialista en aprendizaje cooperativo e inteligencias múltiples y profesora en la Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid; cofundadora, socia y directora pedagógica de Educando Consultoría y vocal de la Junta de Gobierno del Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados de la Comunidad de Madrid.


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How to Cite

García-Beltrán, E., Bueno-Villaverde, Ángeles, & Teba-Fernández, E. (2021). Theoretical framework for the evaluation of educational management for global competence. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(28), 83–97.