‘Mum, I want to be an artist’: the inclusion and visibility of women artist in arts education





art education, women artists, women studies, visual arts, feminism


Women artists, inclusion in art education.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Moral Ruiz, Universidad de Huelva

PhD in History and Arts from the University of Granada. She currently works as a lecturer at the University of Huelva and as a Restorer of Cultural Heritage. Technical Architect from the University of Granada and Graduate in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, she specialised in Science and Technology applied to Architectural Heritage and later in Didactics in the Plastic Arts. Her training is characterised by its interdisciplinary approach that delves into the use of geographic information systems applied to heritage, photogrammetry as a means of documentation, the study of various types of heritage and its application to teaching in the field of the arts. His research work focuses, on the one hand, on the inclusion of transdisciplinary knowledge present in the different disciplines that study heritage. The second area of research revolves around the didactics of the arts and the inclusion of new methodologies and artistic currents as a means of revaluing arts education from levels below university to the world of work today. He has participated in numerous national and international congresses and has published on topics of didactics, conservation and restoration in various publications, and is currently a member of the Urban and Public Art Group of the GE-IIC.

Laura Luque Rodrigo, Departamento de Patrimonio Histórico. Universidad de Jaén

She holds a PhD in art history from the University of Jaén and is currently an assistant lecturer at the same university. She has worked on institutional art inventories such as that of the Diputación de Jaén or that of the Jaén Cathedral; she has participated in various projects related to contemporary art, and has published numerous articles in scientific journals, book chapters, exhibition catalogues, etc. He has participated in some thirty congresses and given lectures at various national and international institutions. He did a research stay at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome and a teaching stay at the University of Siena; he received a prize for entrepreneurship. He is a member of the scientific committee of several journals. She belongs to the research group Arquitecto Vandelvira (HUM 573) and is co-coordinator of the Urban and Public Art Group of the GE-IIC. She has also coordinated some twenty dissemination activities, such as courses, lecture series, round tables, etc. Her lines of research move between urban art; art and gender; and art and education; constantly mixing the three, generating works where the social utility of art is sought. 


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How to Cite

Moral Ruiz, C., & Luque Rodrigo, L. (2021). ‘Mum, I want to be an artist’: the inclusion and visibility of women artist in arts education. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(Especial), 32–49. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v14iEspecial.3438

