Teaching-learning strategies in Spanish as a foreign language class against racial discrimination
Intercultural skill, Spanish LE / L2, CEFR, Pluriculturalism, RacismAbstract
This article deals with a case study with 43 multilingual and multicultural university students grouped in 4 Spanish LE/L2 classes at an English university. 6 teaching activities are presented with a common theme: the unmasking of racism both in their own culture and in the foreign culture. Through the participatory observation method, it is possible to infer that the teaching-learning strategy of exposing LE/L2 students in a direct and challenging way to concrete examples of racism (and other taboo topics) encourages critical thinking and other soft skills such as cross-cultural competence. Thanks to the analysis of the tools that the CEFR offers us to raise awareness against racial discrimination, and of a theoretical framework on the racial issue in second languages, a series of teaching-learning strategies are examined: discursive overheated/cooldown classroom management strategies (Steiner et al., 2003), the creation of “structured controversies” (Johnson & Johnson, 1988), the inclusion of respectful and courteous humour (Tsakona, 2019) and, ultimately, critical and self-critical thinking (Morales-Vidal & Cassany 2020).
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