Motivation of Secondary Education and Bachillerato students towards the use of digital resources during the Covid-19 crisis




Motivation, Digital Resources, Secondary Education, Bachillerato, COVID-19


Due to the situation arising from the COVID-19 crisis, face-to-face classes at education centres were cancelled. In order to be able to continue with the academic course, those centres were forced to get adapted and to use digital tools and resources so as to be able and contribute to the development of teaching and learning processes. This research is aimed at assessing the motivation level students at Secondary Education have concerning the use they have made of different digital resources during the crisis time. To that end, an online questionnaire, asking for aspects such as classes, platforms, teachers' video recordings, activities, tests and tutoring sessions, all of them available online, was designed and administered. The sample to be analysed comprises 52 students, including 25 from 3rd grade of Secondary Education and 27 from Bachillerato. The results show that students' motivation with regard to the use of the aforementioned resources and tools is positive, particularly, with respect to content management platforms, tasks and resources employed.


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Author Biographies

Juana María Anguita Acero, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio

Doctor in Educational Sciences, MA in the Teaching of Spanish as Foreign Language and in Bilingual Education. Degrees in Translation and Interpreting, in English Studies and in Primary Education Teaching. Expert in intercultural education, migratory movements, bilingualism, English-Spanish translation and the teaching of English as a foreign language.

She has worked as a translator and language specialist for Lionbridge (formerly Bowne Global Solutions) in Madrid (Spain) and for the International Baccalaureate in The Hague (The Netherlands). She has taught English at different educational levels in Primary and Secondary Education both from the Council of Education in Madrid and in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). She has also worked as a lecturer in the Translation and Interpreting Degree in the Faculty of Humanities at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain).

At the present time she is a qualified Primary Education teacher of the Community of Madrid (English-Spanish bilingual programme) and she works as an Associate Lecturer at the Department of Education Studies at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. In addition, she collaborates in the Teaching Degree at Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (Faculty of Social Studies) and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at Centro Universitario Villanueva.


She is part of the research group “Sociedad, Cultura y Educación" (Society, Culture and Education) at Universidad Camilo José Cela.

Miriam Méndez Coca, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio

Miriam Méndez Coca, graduate in Mathematical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. She defended her doctoral thesis "Teaching and learning mathematics in secondary education" in 2013 at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and worked as a mathematics teacher in various secondary schools for six years. Since 2013 she has been a teacher in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training at the Villanueva University Centre and the Alfonso X El Sabio University. She has participated in several projects on the integration of technologies in Education financed by the UAX and has published several articles on the subject.  She also works at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid teaching the subjects of Didactics of Mathematics in the Teacher Training Courses of Infant Education and Primary Education where she participates in several innovation projects to improve the mathematical training of future teachers.

David Méndez Coca, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio

David Méndez is a PhD extraordinary prize by the UCM, accredited as a full professor, author of three books, more than 30 articles and has participated in more than 20 congresses. Alfonso x el Sabio University.


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How to Cite

Anguita Acero, J. M., Méndez Coca, M., & Méndez Coca, D. (2020). Motivation of Secondary Education and Bachillerato students towards the use of digital resources during the Covid-19 crisis. Journal of Learning Styles, 13(Especial), 68–81.