Effectiveness of a Neurolinguistic Programming Course on Self-Esteem: Implications of Neurolinguistic Programming for Learning





Self-esteem, Rosenberg Scale, Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, Learning


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a cognitive constructivist approach to improving human communication and behaviour, which focuses on how people organise their thoughts, feelings and language. The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of an NLP course on self-esteem. A quasi-experimental, controlled study with pre-post measures was designed. A total of 54 subjects participated (21 in the experimental group and 33 in the control group). Self-esteem was measured using an ad-hoc questionnaire (8 items, the first 6 of which were adapted from the Rosenberg scale). The experimental group showed increases in self-esteem in all 8 items compared to the control group, and in 6 items (5 of them adapted from the Rosenberg scale) the differences were statistically significant. The percentage change between the two groups ranged from 11% to 36%. This study provides empirical evidence of the effectiveness and usefulness of NLP in increasing people's self-esteem. It also describes various applications of NLP and various implications of self-esteem enhancement in learning and education, as well as in other aspects of people's personal and professional lives.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Diez, Director de Autoestima i canvi, Barcelona (España)

Chartered Psychologist. Coach. Psychotherapist. Director of Autoestima i Canvi: Centre for Psychotherapy, Coaching and Training (Barcelona, Spain). Accredited Coach by the College of Psychologists of Catalonia. Doctorate in Clinical Psychoanalysis and Applications of Psychoanalysis. Postgraduate in Social Cognitive Therapy. Postgraduate in Group Analysis and Management. Industrial Engineer and Master MBA ESADE in Business Administration and Management. Founding Member, Didactic, and President (2016-2020) of the Spanish Association of NLP (AEPNL), member of the Governing Board of the College of Psychologists of Catalonia (1995-2006). More than 25 years of experience as a teacher of NLP and NLP Coaching.


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How to Cite

Diez, E. (2021). Effectiveness of a Neurolinguistic Programming Course on Self-Esteem: Implications of Neurolinguistic Programming for Learning. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(27), 97–111. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v14i27.2209