Relationship between Teaching Styles and Formative Evaluation in Secondary Education teachers
Teaching styles, formative evaluation, feedback, Secondary EducationAbstract
A correlational quantitative study is presented. The objective was to identify the relationship between teaching styles and the dimensions of formative evaluation (feedback, communication of results and actions in practice) in secondary education teachers. A multiple regression procedure was also performed between both types of variables. Two questionnaires were applied to 240 teachers at the secondary level in three municipalities in southern Sonora, México. The obtained data was processed through the statistical packages IBM-SPSS V24.0 and SAS V9.4 for Windows. The results refer that the Analytical teaching style was the one that had a significantly higher correlation with the feedback and communication dimensions of the results. Through multiple regression it was obtained that the Dynamic and Analytical teaching styles are influenced by the other styles, but also by the subject variable and by the feedback variable; while the Practical teaching style is influenced by the other styles, but also by the grade level variable and the subject variable. Finally, the Systematic teaching style was only influenced by the other styles and the feedback variable of the formative evaluation.
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