Design of the university educational space and its impact on the academic process: trend analysis




Classroom, Space distribution, Teaching Spaces, Higher Education, Bibliometrics


In recent years, changes in the educational and social sector have been reflected in the growing interest in defining how the attributes of the educational space affect the teaching and learning process of students. In this context, the classroom is characterized by combining physical, environmental and spatial variables; so that, together with design and organization, it is considered a facilitating element of learning. The aim of this study is to identify the scientific publications related to the impact of the design of the educational space in the process of learning of the students of Higher Education, during the period between 2005 to 2019. The analyzed searches include the network of collaboration between authors, countries and institutions, in addition to the relationships between the keywords. A bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature was performed using the Scopus database. Thus, 2,173 documents on the subject of research were identified. The results of the analysis revealed that, productivity increased considerably since 2010. Likewise, the analysis of the effect that the classroom design induces in the cognitive and emotional processes of the student are detected as the main research trends.



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Author Biographies

Mariana Daniela González-Zamar, Faculty of Education. Almería University, Spain.

She teaches and researches at the Department of Education of the University of Almería. Her lines of research include: higher education, teacher training, creativity, learning spaces, design, implementation and evaluation of learning spaces, attributes of physical space, innovative designs, school architecture.

, Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Almería, Spain.

He teaches and researches at the Department of Economics and Business at the University of Almería. His lines of research include: higher education, teaching methodologies, strategic planning, financial education, education economics, knowledge economy, and economic value of higher education.


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How to Cite

González-Zamar, M. D., & Emilio. (2020). Design of the university educational space and its impact on the academic process: trend analysis. Journal of Learning Styles, 13(25), 1–13.