Physical activity and its influence on teaching-learning processes. Correlational analysis
Cognitive Processes, Activo breaks, Academic performance, Infant Education, Primary EducationAbstract
One of the challenges education faces nowadays is to try to improve students' cognitive processes. The inclusion of short periods of physical activity between class sessions —active breaks— has proven to be a very positive strategy for this. These breaks influence the birth of new neurons in the hippocampus (an area closely related to learning and memory), develop healthy habits in students and improve their academic performance. In order to find out how active breaks influence the teaching-learning processes in Infant and Primary Education, a quantitative empirical study was carried out. To that end, it was used a validated questionnaire that measured the four components of physical activity according to González and Portolés (2014): the development of physical activity and basic motor skills, the reduction of sedentary behaviour and the contribution to cognitive development. The results show that physical activity in the classroom is the variable least applied by teachers, although there are studies that demonstrate the benefit of this activity in the cognitive processes of students.
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