Research and training in cyberculture. Education, technology and learning.


  • Edemea Santos Grupo de Pesquisa Docência e Cibercultura (GPDOC), Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
  • Vittorio Lo Bianco Grupo de Pesquisa Docência e Cibercultura (GPDOC), Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e Fundação Centro de Ciências e Educação Superior a Distância (Cecierj
  • Felipe Carvalho pesquisador Grupo de Pesquisa Docência e Cibercultura (GPDOC),  Universidade Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro



Education, Ciberculture, Technology, Learning, Research, Training


The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, among the numerous demands of adaptation presented to life in society, has highlighted inequalities (material and symbolic) and contradictions (of form and content) in educational offerings and practices, highlighting the power of Cyberculture (Santos, 2019) and, at the same time, our non-knowledge regarding what can be done in it/with it. We understand Cyberculture "as the contemporary culture that revolutionizes communication, production and networked circulation of information and knowledge in the city-cyberspace interface" (Santos, 2019, p. 21), being structured by digital technologies from which new cognitive profiles emerge, with their own demands and tracing unique and differentiated relationships with the teaching-learning processes (Santos, 2013).


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Portada Vol.15, Núm. 30 - Revista Estilos de Aprendizaje



How to Cite

Santos, E., Lo Bianco, V., & Carvalho, F. (2022). Research and training in cyberculture. Education, technology and learning. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(30), 1–3.