Open Learning Object for the teaching of Learning Styles under the Chiron Test proposal
Open Learning Objects, m-learning, learning stylesAbstract
The aim of this paper was to propose an Open Learning Object supported by a hybrid Web-App system as an m-learning resource for the teaching of Learning Styles, under the perspective of the Chiron Test. To carry it out, theories on mobile applications, hybrid Web-App systems, m-learning, Open Learning Objects (OLOs), Mobile Learning Objects (MLOs) and Learning Styles were reviewed. In the methodology, a hybrid system supported by the PADPEEM methodology based on different instructional models was proposed. The results showed the navigation map including the EA-Chiron Test App and the OAM, the architecture and interfaces. It was concluded that the system developed met the characteristics of being an m-learning resource for teaching Learning Styles and that it can also be used in the proposal of didactic strategies in courses or for educational research.
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