Social Sensitivity in the educational proposal of Tomás Alvira and its resonances in modern pedagogy
Tomas Alvira, Education, Living Classroom, Social Pedagogy, Social TransformationAbstract
The paper looks at the social aspect of Tomás Alvira's educational proposal and its resonances in contemporary social pedagogy. The article is divided into five sections. Firstly, the author is introduced through his more professional curriculum. Then, the pedagogical sense of Aula Viva as the foundation of his entire proposal is presented. In addition, it describes what his pedagogical essay on social pedagogy consisted of, relating it to other authors of this same science. Subsequently, some general discussions are established between the author and those who have researched this section of education. And, finally, the conclusions of the work are drawn. By means of a qualitative methodology of a historiographic nature and an analysis of the discourse around categories, we have had access to the main sources of the author; to the exchange of social pedagogy that Alvira carried out in 1950 among different types of pupils; and to the studies of authors of modern social pedagogy in order to carry out an analysis and establish parallels and divergences. The results of this research highlight that the research and praxis of social education is a reference for social transformation for educators in the 21st century.
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