Validation of the joint responsibility questionnaire between genders CORGEN




Gender equality; joint responsibility; coeducation; joint responsibility questionnaire, Gender equality, Joint responsibility, Coeducation, Questionaire


In the approach of an education for equality, one of the basic aspects of educational intervention is joint responsibility between genders. In order to analyze the level of distribution of these tasks in homes, a questionnaire on joint responsibility called CORGEN was made, which was subjected to a validation process. Subsequently, to assess internal reliability, a pilot study was conducted. It was done by expert criteria applying a modification of the Delphi method. Moriyama's rules were used for content validation. Finally, internal consistency was determined by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The datums obtained in the expert assessment pointed to the convenience of making changes to the initial proposal. The pilot study showed the convenience of making small adjustments. The content validity showed a high correlation between the items and adequacy among the proposed categories. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to or greater than 0.70 in all the items. In conclusion, the CORGEN questionnaire is determined as a useful and reliable resource to analyze joint responsibility between genders.


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Author Biography

Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas, Universidad de La Rioja, España

Degree in Psychopedagogy and Diploma of Advanced Studies in Didactics and School Organisation from the University of La Rioja. Lecturer at this institution in the Department of Educational Sciences. Member of the research team of the University of La Rioja "research and gender" and researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Riojanos. Trainer of the Consejería de Educacion de la Comunidad de La Rioja for teachers of Primary and Secondary Education.


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Portada Volumen 16, Núm. 31 (2023)



How to Cite

Suberviola Ovejas, I., & Barbed Castrejón, N. (2023). Validation of the joint responsibility questionnaire between genders CORGEN. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(31), 19–32.