Professional trajectory of pioneering women in Dentistry: past and present




women in dentistry; dentistry history; dentistry today; dentistry history of Spain; barbers in dentistry; origin of dentistry.


Professional Trajectory of pioneering women in dentistry


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Author Biographies

María Antonia Rivero González, Facultad de Odontología, UCM y Facultad de Odontología, UE

PhD in Dentistry from the UCM (2007) with a clinical study on patients subsequently recognised with the award of the Spanish Society of Oral and Facial Prosthetics (SEPES) as the best scientific research work of that year. Currently dedicated exclusively to teaching as a professor of adult clinical practice II 4th year and supervised practice I 5th year (UE) and external collaborating professor in the postgraduate course of implant-prosthesis. (UCM). Degree in Dentistry from the UCM in 1997. Master's Degree in Oral and Facial Prosthesis from the UCM (1997-1999) and title of Specialist in Implant-Prosthesis UCM (1998-1999). Accredited by ACAP as Assistant Professor Doctor (2007).

Marta Romeo Rubio, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Degree in Dentistry, UCM. University Specialist in ImplantoProsthesis, UCM. University Specialist in Endodontics, UCM. Doctor in Dentistry, UCM. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry, UCM. Lecturer of the Degree in Implant Prosthesis, UCM. Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Restorative Dentistry Based on New Technologies, UCM. Collaborator in the Continuing Education Course in Clinical Implantology, UCM. Scientific advisor for Zhermack Dental. Lecturer in various courses, conferences and communications at national congresses. Author of publications in national and international journals.  Runner-up for the SEPES-GASCÓN award at the XXXIV Annual Meeting of SEPES. Valencia 2004. Prize for the best article published in the Revista Internacional de Prótesis Estomatológica, official journal of SEPES, Editorial Quintessence. 2004-2005. Best communication in poster format at the XXXV SEPES Annual Meeting. Almería 2005. SEPES-GASCÓN Award at the XXXIX SEPES Annual Meeting. Barcelona 2009. Award for best oral communication and best poster at the Joint Annual Meeting of SEDCYDO and SEOIA. Madrid 2009. Member of SEPES and AEDE.


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How to Cite

Rivero González, M. A., & Romeo Rubio, M. . (2021). Professional trajectory of pioneering women in Dentistry: past and present. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(Especial), 75–88.

