Blogging, active and online learning to reduce failure in higher education




Digital platform, WhatsApp, Reprobation, Academic Performance


The main objective of the article is to evaluate two digital social media platforms, Blog and WhatsApp, to reduce failure in higher education. This is a serious problem for students, teachers and institutions that involves a series of lost human and material resources. Hence, it is necessary to change traditional learning styles to new technological tools applicable to online and active learning; some of them, in particular, can be used to reduce student failure and dropout (Cabrero and Llorente, 2005). The methodological design of this document has a mixed approach. Due to its purpose, it is an exploratory, descriptive and correlational research. In it, two digital platforms are compared to determine which of them improves knowledge transfer through collaborative work and reduces failure. The results of this work show that the Blog offers better results than WhatsApp to reduce disapproval in Software Engineering courses taught at the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jáuregui. The blog's digital platform represents the best alternative as a digital platform that affects active learning that reduces student failure and improves school performance.


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Author Biographies

Juan Antonio Cruz Mandujano, Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (México)

Master's degree from the Universidad del Valle de México in 2008, currently a PhD student at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI). Since 2011 he has collaborated as a Full-Time Research Professor and Coordinator of Software Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jauregui (UPSRJ), he has also collaborated at the University of Valle de Mexico (UVM) as a lecturer and at the Technological University of Queretaro (UTEQ) as a Full-Time Professor and in some administrative positions related to education and ICTs. He has the desirable profile granted by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and is Coordinator of the Academic Body Health, Technology and Education Digital Platforms Developers (HTEDpD), the research areas in which he collaborates are related to software development and ICT applied to education.

Carlos Eduardo Uc Ríos, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (México)

Carlos Uc Ríos received his Master's and PhD degrees in Science with a specialisation in Telecommunications from the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) in 2001 and 2013 respectively. Since 2001 he has worked at the Autonomous University of Campeche (UAC) as Professor and Researcher, he has also worked in the mobile communications company NEXTEL as Planning Engineer and in the City of Campeche as Deputy Director of Public Lighting. Currently he continues to work at the UAC and the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI) and collaborates in different projects and committees to which he is invited. His research areas are Performance Analysis of Cellular Systems, Resource Management in Cellular Systems. He is currently leading research projects related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's). He has published more than 19 papers in international conferences and reputed journals.


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How to Cite

Cruz Mandujano, J. A., & Uc Ríos, C. E. (2021). Blogging, active and online learning to reduce failure in higher education . Journal of Learning Styles, 14(27), 62–78.