Postgraduate virtual education in the times of COVID-19




Postgrado, Virtual education, COVID-19, Social isolation


Almost all countries in the world have implemented policies of social isolation, as a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This measure restricted face-to-face classes, promoting distance education at all educational levels. The Graduate Unit of Education Sciences, Hermilio Valdizan National University, Peru, took advantage of its resources to implement distance education two weeks after the isolation began. The present study aims to interpret the experiences lived by students and teachers in the implementation of virtual education in times of COVID-19, which is why the phenomenological-hermeneutical method was used and the interview was conducted in depth. From the categorization process, it stands out that virtual education is a new pedagogical experience for teachers and students; it implies responsibility, commitment and initiative; it demands more time from teachers to prepare academic materials; videoconference allows student-teacher interaction in real time, also through it, moods and feelings can be transmitted; The main difficulty was not having internet and optimal computer equipment; The challenge is to design and run blended classes with all conditions, including teachers and students with a new profile.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Roger Esteban Rivera, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Professional in Pedagogy and Humanities, specialty Social Sciences and History (UNCP); Mg. in Educational Curriculum (Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile) Doctor in Educational Sciences from Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (UNHEVAL) Main teacher in undergraduate and Director of the Postgraduate Unit of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UNHEVAL), postgraduate teacher in several universities. He worked as a research specialist at the Ministry of Education of Peru. Undergraduate and postgraduate thesis advisor. Author of articles published in indexed journals. Author and/or co-author of books: Popular Tales and Legends of Pachitea, How to Develop Research Projects in Education, How to Develop Self-Esteem at Home and at School, Pedagogical Action-Research: Transforming Teaching Practice, Qualitative Researcher's Proceedings: Details for the Research Report. Speaker at national and international conferences.

Andrés Avelino Cámara Acero, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Perú

He was born in Huánuco and is currently a senior lecturer in the Professional Career of Mathematics and Physics at the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, and in the Postgraduate School of the same university. He holds a professional degree in Mathematics and Physics, a master's degree in Educational Management and Planning, and a doctorate in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán. He has extensive experience as an evaluation specialist in programmes organised by the Ministry of Education, head of the academic department of Secondary Education, director of the Professional School of Mathematics and Physics, in charge of the Physics research laboratory, advisor to the senior management of UNHEVAL, president of the Internal Accreditation Committee, dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Author of specialized texts and articles that have been published in various scientific journals.

María del Carmen Villavicencio Guardia, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Senior Lecturer at the National University "Hermilio Valdizán" Huánuco, Doctor of Public Health, Master in Educational Management and Planning, Graduate in Nursing, Post Doctorate in Science and Specialist in Family and Community Health, in Self-Evaluation and Statistics, qualified as a researcher at CONCYTEC, awarded as a woman scientist in university research by the ANR. I am a peer reviewer for the Revista de Investigación Valdizana. I teach at the Postgraduate School of UNHEVAL, Second Specialties and Pre Degree. I have served as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the National University "Hermilio Valdizán", Dean of the College of Nurses of the Region XII- Huánuco and as University Director of the Postgraduate School, Distance and Virtual Education, University Welfare and as Director in the Faculty of Research Nursing and as Director of the Academic Professional School of Dentistry.


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How to Cite

Esteban Rivera, E. R., Cámara Acero, A. A., & Villavicencio Guardia, M. del C. (2020). Postgraduate virtual education in the times of COVID-19. Journal of Learning Styles, 13(Especial), 82–94.

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