Approach to digital educational experiences in the face of the COVID-19 crisis in the university context with students of functional diversity




Inclusion, Disability, Competencies, Accesibility


This work aims at displaying the importance of digital skills in the teaching and learning process that emerged in the light of new virtual spaces. Such new spaces, which have taken place at a different time and forced education systems to change, are those produced by the global health crisis of COVID-19. The experience was led by a group of students with intellectual disabilities in the university context, within the program “Incluye Inserta para la Inserción Socio-Laboral” taking place at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The topic of the text orbits around the analysis of three fundamental axes, which in turn consolidate the right of accessibility in conditions of equality in virtual environments: active policies in defence of the right to inclusive education; digital competence; approach to experiences rendered. Thus, from a qualitative methodology perspective, a documentary review and a case study are presented to address the use of active methodologies and digital strategies in the educational process. Also, some positive and relevant results for the educational community are shown. Finally, study results are collected so that they might serve as new proposals for the improvement in the field of higher education to promote inclusion and attention to the functional diversity of students.


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Author Biographies

Yolanda García Rodríguez, Consejería de Educación. Junta de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctor in Education (UCJC), Bachelor of Arts in Pedagogy (USAL). She has been teaching Primary Education for 16 years in orientation teams (JCCM).  She has combined her work with university teaching in the Department of Pedagogy (UCLM). She is researching active methodologies in the teaching and learning processes to address diversity in the classroom and to improve teacher training. He has published numerous papers in scientific journals, lectures and communications in international and national conferences. He develops pedagogical leadership in work teams and coordinates innovation projects. She collaborates as a volunteer to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities or functional diversity in the Asociación Down and the Asociación de Psicodanza "Ballet Diferentemente Iguales".

Sonia Morales Calvo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. UCLM

Doctor in Pedagogy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Professor and researcher in the area of Research Methods in Social Education in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Castilla la Mancha. She has participated in research projects and publications related to social and labour inclusion with vulnerable groups. She is a member of the Education and Society research group, "GIES" at the University of Castilla la Mancha. Currently, she is the coordinator of the training programme "Incluye Inserta" for the social and labour insertion of people with intellectual disabilities in the Faculty of Social Sciences of Talavera de la Reina and she is the Vice-Dean of Academic Organization ,Volunteering and Quality in the same Faculty.

Vicenta Rodríguez Martín, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. UCLM

Doctor in Psychology (UCLM), Diploma in Social Work from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Degree in Psychology and Specialist in Organisation and Management of Human Resources (UAM). She has worked on issues of gender violence and the promotion of equality from direct intervention in residential devices, research to different professional profiles. She has participated as an expert in advising on the design of institutional campaigns for the prevention of violence. She has been a speaker at numerous international and national training events related to the intervention and eradication of gender violence in young couples with the promotion and learning of personal empowerment and leadership. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UCLM) and currently continues as a tenured professor in the Department of Labour Law and Social Work.


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How to Cite

García Rodríguez, Y., Morales Calvo, S., & Rodríguez Martín, V. (2020). Approach to digital educational experiences in the face of the COVID-19 crisis in the university context with students of functional diversity . Journal of Learning Styles, 13(Especial), 32–42.