Are students able to discern in coronovirus infodemia? The influence of false news on their stories
Coronavirus, Fake News, Critical Literacy, EmotionsAbstract
The research looks into the media competence of a group of 13 boys and 12 girls about the COVID-19 crisis and their perception of it. The information is collected through their participation in the forums of a virtual platform and the construction of their stories about the events. In the forums they expose three fake news about the pandemic, the possible solutions and consequences, as well as analyzing the hate speech of a tweet. Finally, positioning themselves in the future, once the crisis is over, they elaborate a narration about how they would tell the facts lived. The results show their concern and interest in health related news, the polarization in the analysis of hate speech and the presence of emotions in their narratives. It concludes the need for critical digital literacy, especially in dramatic contexts, of emotional vulnerability such as crises, and favorable for the dissemination of hoaxes.
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