Policy before research in bilingual education in Spain: teacher perceptions in STEAM classrooms




Palabras clave:

Políticas Educativas, Enseñanza Bilingüe, Formación de Profesorado, Percepciones del profesorado, STEAM


The last two decades have seen the implementation of numerous different bilingual programmes across Spain. This has resulted in many children having free access to bilingual education in the country for the first time. However, the reduced time frame has resulted in policy and implementation far outreaching results-based research. This has direct implications on the quality of educational programmes. Currently there is no legislation that stipulates specific training in bilingual methodologies, despite significant bodies of research pointing to the need for training in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Furthermore, STEAM subjects are commonly included in these bilingual programmes through primary and secondary education and are therefore disproportionally affected. In this context, this study aims to determine the perceptions of bilingual teachers towards their training, preparation, and praxis in a bilingual programme. Data collection took place over five years, in a bilingual primary school in Madrid, through two validated questionnaires. Results are in line with existing literature and indicate a need for improved training in methodology. All teachers agreed there was an additional workload and that the use of CLIL methodologies in class had helped their pupils learn more effectively.


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Biografía del autor/a

Louisa Mortimore, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España

Doctora internacional en Lingüística Aplicada por la Universidad de Alcalá. Licenciada por la University of Portsmouth, con dos Máster en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera por la Universidad de Alcalá (premio extraordinario) y Experta Universitaria en CLIL (Matrícula de Honor) y Docencia Universitaria Online por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Coordinadora del proyecto educativo y formadora de profesores, cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de inglés. Ha sido profesora adjunta en la Universidad Europea de Madrid, profesora doctora en la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, profesora asociada en la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, y ha colaborado con la Universidad Internacional de Valencia y la Universidad de Jaén.


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Portada_Volumen 17, Número 33 (2024)




Cómo citar

Mortimore, L. (2024). Policy before research in bilingual education in Spain: teacher perceptions in STEAM classrooms. Revista De Estilos De Aprendizaje, 17(33), 24–36. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v17i33.5991

