Improvement of Critical Thinking in ESO students through Problem-Based Learning in a STEAM environment
Problem Based Learning, Secondary Education, STEAM, Critical ThinkingAbstract
In a constantly changing environment, it is essential for students to develop critical thinking skills to make informed decisions. In recent years, educational approaches that promote student inquiry and align with the principles of STEAM education have emerged. One example of such strategies is Problem-Based Learning, which allows students to tackle real challenges and situations by applying their scientific knowledge, technological skills, mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and creativity.
The purpose of this study is to examine the evolution of critical thinking in a group of 10th-grade students throughout an academic year. During this period, a problem-based learning instructional sequence was implemented in a STEAM environment that fostered student autonomy.
To conduct the analysis, various aspects of critical thinking were evaluated, including the ability to evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and construct arguments. The results revealed an overall improvement in students' critical thinking. They demonstrated ease in synthesizing the process followed, but encountered difficulties in determining the relevance and reliability of the information used to support their conclusions.
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