Perception of brand image and new learning spaces. A case study of the new ESIC Madrid Training Center




Learning Spaces, HIgher Education, Imagin, ESIC, Profesional Training


In a changing and uncertain context, learning spaces become a reference point for students. Places where knowledge can be acquired, as well as serving as a vehicle for the development of the skills demanded by the productive sector, and which are postulated as key banners of the brand image of the Higher Education Institutions that implement them. ESIC Business & Marketing School. The aim of this work is to demonstrate that they can become a key factor in the perception of their brand image by a majority of their target public, the students of Higher Vocational Training. To this end, a qualitative study has been carried out of the published literature on issues such as university brand image, innovative learning spaces and their role in the perception of the image of the institutions that implement them, among others. A quantitative analysis was carried out on a sample of 162 second year students from the different Higher Level Training Cycles at ESIC Madrid. The results obtained after this mixed analysis allow us to reject the Null Hypothesis, accept the Alternative Hypothesis and, therefore, consider the objective to have been achieved.


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Author Biography

Carlos García Ochoa, ESIC, España

The author holds a degree in Law and Business Administration from the University of Jaén (Spain) and the Université Paris XII - Val de Marne (France). He holds several official Master's degrees, such as the Master I - Commerce International from the Université Paris XII - Val de Marne (France), the Master's Degree in Teaching of E.S.O. and Bachillerato, F.P. and Language Teaching from the University of Jaén and the Master's Degree in Protocol Management, Production, Organisation and Design of Events, from the Universidad Camilo José Cela (Madrid). He is currently teaching at ESIC Business & Marketing School and Loyola College, researcher and collaborator in the UniDIS Project, University and Sustainable Inclusive Diversity. He is a PhD student in Educational Innovation and University Branding (Line 3: Research in Disciplinary Didactics) at the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).



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How to Cite

García Ochoa, C. (2023). Perception of brand image and new learning spaces. A case study of the new ESIC Madrid Training Center. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(32), 62–77.