Validity and reliability of the DigCompEdu CheckIn in a national sample of Higher Education teachers in Peru
digital competence, digital technology, higher education, validity, reliabilityAbstract
Digital competences are considered key requirements for teachers to participate in different spheres of society; They are able to use digital technologies pedagogically and enhance the teaching-learning process of their students. The aim of this study was to confirm the internal structure of a proposal for the DigCompEdu CheckIn tool, which consisted of regrouping digital skills in a three-factor structure with 22 items: (a) student skills (Factor 1); (b) professional competencies of educators (Factor 2), and (c) pedagogical competencies of educators (Factor 3). In this instrumental study, 5038 teachers from public and private universities in Peru participated. A strong relationship between factors 1, 2, and 3 is confirmed, evidencing that the internal structure is quite robust. It is concluded that the proposal is valid and reliable.
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