Service Learning in teacher training: Children's Literature from a Gender Perspective


  • Lucía Rodríguez-Olay Universidad de Oviedo, España
  • Marta García-Sampedro Universidad de Oviedo, España
  • Roberto Avello Rodríguez Universidad de Oviedo, España



social learning, stereotypes, university studies, pedagogical innovation, children's and young people's literature


This article describes a research performed with some Faculty of Teacher Training students participating in an innovation project, in which, through a Service-Learning proposal, the gender stereotypes present in some Children's and Young People's Literature texts are approached. The aims of the research focus on knowing students´ perceptions and satisfaction degree during the implementation of the project, and additionally, if the experience has helped them to improve their teaching and teamwork skills. The research follows a mixed paradigm in which an ad hoc questionnaire and a semi-structured interview have been applied. The quantitative sample is made up of ninety-four students, being fifteen the final number of interviewees. The results show students´ favourable perception, as well as a high degree of satisfaction with the project. The students also consider that the project has helped them improve their teaching and teamwork skills. The results obtained coincide with other previous research on Service-Learning implementations in tertiary education. During these Service-Learning experiences, students are able to live through real work environment and develop their teaching skills while increasing their interest in project contents.


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Author Biographies

Lucía Rodríguez-Olay, Universidad de Oviedo, España

Associate Professor of Literature Didactics in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Oviedo. PhD in Educational Equity and Innovation from the University of Oviedo. PhD in Philology from the University of Oviedo. National Coordinator of the Gigas for Schools programme. Master in Equality of Women and Men by the University of the Basque Country. Recently accredited by ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation) as a Contratada Doctora. Member of the Research Team of the University of Oviedo DIME and Assistant Secretary for Spain of the Latin American Centre for Studies in Pedagogical Epistemology. She developed her second doctorate within the Equity and Innovation programme with a thesis on current Children's and Young Adult Literature and its influence on the creation of gender stereotypes in primary school students where she has combined her three main interests and lines of research: didactics, literature and gender studies.

Marta García-Sampedro, Universidad de Oviedo, España

Professor of Language and Literature Didactics in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Oviedo. She holds a degree in English Philology, a Master's degree in Foreign Language-English, and a PhD in Education and Psychology. Her research interests have focused on the promotion of oral communication in the English language through different media such as mobile devices, online TV, and also art and heritage. She is currently conducting several researches related to the emotions generated in the English language teaching-learning process and gender studies.

Roberto Avello Rodríguez, Universidad de Oviedo, España

Associate Professor in the area of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Oviedo, teaching language teaching. Main research interests focus on bilingual education, minority languages and the application of audiovisual translation in language learning, with publications in these fields in journals such as Lletres Asturianes or Journal of Language and Education Policy. Since 2021, reviewer and scientific committee of the Atlante Journal of Education and Development and the Journal Lletres Asturianes. Visiting Professor at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Eötvos Lorand University of Budapest (Hungary) and the Free University of Berlin (Germany). Director of the Elementary Course in Asturian Language at the Universidá Asturiana de Branu and the University of Oviedo since 2018.


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Olay, L., García-Sampedro, M., & Avello Rodríguez, R. (2022). Service Learning in teacher training: Children’s Literature from a Gender Perspective . Journal of Learning Styles, 15(EspecialII), 19–33.