The animated musicogram: a didactic and innovative tool for digital and mediated music pedagogy
Musical education, Educational innovation, Online Teaching, Primary EducationAbstract
This paper aims to highlight the value of the animated digital musicogram as an innovative teaching tool aimed at primary music education teachers. This experience was developed during the COVID pandemic, with the intention of making the teaching-learning process of music in primary education more creative and interactive. There was an urgent need to find didactic alternatives that would make it possible to break the space-time coordinates, typical of face-to-face teaching, based on the digital and mediated reinvention of classic pedagogical resources such as the musicogram. Using different editing, digitalisation and video recording programmes, an innovative version of the digital and mediated musicogram was created for primary school teachers. A didactic video tutorial was then produced and shared with the teachers involved, hosted on their own YouTube channel, which contained the different steps to follow in its design as a mediated didactic resource. The results showed, in addition to its ease of adaptation, an enormous potential for its application in the classroom, as well as excellent acceptance by students. Currently, the video has more than 74,000 views and the creation of animated musicograms, as an open digital teaching resource, is becoming increasingly widespread among specialist teachers.
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