The participation of Roma families in the Educational Institutions: The Project for the social education promotion of Roma.




Educational Institutions, Participation of families, Roma, Educational Quality


School participation processes are multidimensional processes in which families, as the scientific literature shows, play a very important role in that they improve the quality of educational centres as a whole. In order to delve deeper into the models that underlie these processes, in this article we delve into the socio-educational Promotion Service of the Roma people in the city of Barcelona, based on the results of an ethnographic research carried out between 2018 and 2020. The fieldwork carried out, through participant observation in 17 primary and secondary schools and in-depth interviews with 40 professionals, aimed to give an account of the mechanisms put in place by their professionals and to analyse their implications for school participation. The study shows the relevance of the recognition and valuing of families, their different ways of doing and thinking, and their necessary place in the participation processes, together with pupils and teachers, when facing the challenges involved.


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Author Biographies

Eva Bretones Peregrina, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, España

Graduate in Pedagogy and Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Research in Anthropology. She holds a PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has specialised in school participation, cultural diversity and ethnic minorities. In her professional career she has combined educational accompaniment for adolescents and young people with difficulties in socio-community participation with teaching at the university. She was an associate lecturer in the Department of Applied Pedagogy at the UAB until 2009. She is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She is a member of the Research Group in Fundamental and Oriented Anthropology (GRAFO) of the UAB; the research group Laboratory of Social Education (LES) of the UOC; and the group of Anthropology and Education of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA). He co-directs the editorial series "Social Education" of the Editorial UOC.

Pepi Soto Marata, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España

Historian and Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Lecturer in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been a researcher on immigration, cultural diversity, cooperation and school issues at the Institute of Education of the Barcelona City Council. She has directed the research group MOSSA (UAB) specialising in ethnography of educational processes and anthropology applied to education. He is currently a member of the Research Group in Fundamental and Oriented Anthropology (GRAFO) at the UAB and of the Anthropology and Education Group at the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA). Her research interests focus on the ethnography of educational processes and applied anthropology, in the fields of education and schooling, in raising awareness on issues of cooperation, refuge and asylum, and in higher education and the professionalisation of anthropology.


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)



How to Cite

Bretones Peregrina, E., & Soto Marata, P. (2023). The participation of Roma families in the Educational Institutions: The Project for the social education promotion of Roma . Journal of Learning Styles, 15(EspecialII), 92–102.