The participation of Deaf families in Spanish schools: an exploratory study




family participation, educational centers, Deaf people, communication barriers, sign language


The participation of families in educational centers is essential for their correct functioning and for a comprehensive development of pupils. Family-school dialogue becomes a key element in achieving this educational co-responsibility. In the case of Deaf families, the use of a non-mainstream language can generate barriers that limit this participation. This study represents an approach to the reality experienced by these families in terms of educational participation, analyzing the form and degree of their involvement and the difficulties they face. For this purpose, a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, and exploratory research was carried out in which a questionnaire, previously adapted to sign language and validated by members of the Deaf community, was administered. The results obtained allow us to affirm that Deaf families know and have sufficient information about schools and educational agents, the processes of participation and the academic development of their children; however, the degree of involvement in (extra)curricular activities that involve social interaction with their hearing peers is minimal. It seems, therefore, that communication barriers are reproduced in the educational context and limit the full participation of Deaf people.


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Author Biographies

Rayco H. González-Montesino, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Lecturer and researcher at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). Department of Educational Sciences, area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. PhD cum laude in Applied Linguistics (University of Vigo), Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UNED) and Diploma in Speech Therapy (University of La Laguna). At this university he also studied the University Master's Degree "Educating in Diversity" and the University Master's Degree in Spanish Sign Language Interpretation. She is a member of the Institutional Chair in People with Disabilities, Accessibility and Inclusion (DAI-URJC) and the consolidated Research Group on Inclusive Education, People with Disabilities and Universal Accessibility (DIVERSIA).

Noelia González Sánchez, CEPA de Oporto, Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, España

Educational counsellor at the Centro de Educación para Personas Adultas (CEPA) of Oporto, of the Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Ciencia y Portavocía de la Comunidad de Madrid (Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Science and Spokesperson of the Community of Madrid). She graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), specialising in Educational Psychology. At this university she also studied a Master's Degree in Health, Integration and Disability. In addition, she has completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, specialising in Educational Guidance, and the Master's Degree in Inclusive Education and Universal Design for Learning, both organised by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). 


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)



How to Cite

González-Montesino, R. H., & González Sánchez, N. (2022). The participation of Deaf families in Spanish schools: an exploratory study. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(EspecialII), 5–18.