STEM under analysis: Evolution of enrolments in university and vocational education and training degrees
STEM, Admissions, Profesional Learning, Laboral , educational inclusionAbstract
The term STEM refers to the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics skills to solve problems in academic, work, or personal life. The development of these skills and their practical application aims at responding to the needs of individuals in a society that is constantly developing technologically, scientifically, and communicatively. STEM methodologies have been developed from early childhood education to university in the last decade. However, a significant decrease in Spanish university enrolment rates in STEM degrees par excellence (engineering, architecture, and experimental sciences) seems to indicate a decreasing interest in this area. In this study, university and vocational training enrolments databases were analyzed in relation to their employability over a 30-year period to define the socioeconomic factors that produced this change. The results of this analysis seem to indicate that enrolments are affected by three factors mainly: an increase in the number of students enrolled in vocational training programs, lower employability after finishing STEM degrees, and the salary decrease that these degrees have faced recently.
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