Strategies and autonomous learning




Learning Styles, Learning, Autonomous, Learning strategies


Each person has a way of learning and, consequently, a preference for certain strategies for doing so. In this sense, the research that gives rise to this text allows an approach to how to promote self-management of learning. Partial results are presented of research in progress developed in a higher education institution with the purpose of describing, from the identification of learning styles, how they articulate the self-management of strategies for learning. The research is developed with a mixed methodology and allows us to conclude that the mastery of learning strategies constitutes a capital of knowledge both for professional development and for a competent performance in life itself. We start by analysing the results of the CAMEA40 learning styles questionnaire (Madrigal, 2016) and a semi-structured interview, and then review the strategies for improving these styles taking into account the perspective of Alonso, Gallego & Honey (2012), and their application to the promotion of the autonomous management of learning. The results show a tendency to maintain dependence on the teacher for learning and a low capacity for self-management of learning strategies, in response to which improvement actions are proposed.


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How to Cite

Madrigal Gil, A. de J. (2022). Strategies and autonomous learning. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(Especial), 149–157.