Dialogues between trends in pupil and teacher participation in secondary schools


  • Marta Venceslao Universidad de Barcelona, España
  • Irene Martínez Martín Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
  • Natalia Hipólito Ruiz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España




Participation, Student, Teacher, Secondary Education


Participation in secondary schools is a relevant issue for building democratic structures that involve the educational community and have a direct relationship with coexistence and the teaching and learning processes of the school. The aims of this research are to analyse the different perceptions of participation held by both teachers and students in secondary schools in Castilla La Mancha. To this end, a quantitative methodology has been followed with the design and application of online questionnaires for teachers and students, within the framework of a UCLM research project. After a descriptive statistical analysis, the main results are the unequal perception of the dynamics of participation, with the teaching staff being the group that gives more sensitivity and importance to this issue in relation to coexistence. However, a greater diversity of perceptions is evident. Among the main proposals and conclusions, participation is linked to the improvement of coexistence and the transformation of educational practices towards democratic models and equity. Furthermore, the aim is to establish dialogues between teachers and students in order to build these proposals from common frameworks of action and reflection.


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Author Biographies

Marta Venceslao, Universidad de Barcelona, España

PhD in Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico (UAM) and researcher at the Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusió i Controls Socials (GRECS) of the UB. She is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona. She has taught on the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Social Exclusion at the UB-Campus Docent Sant Joan de Deu and on the Master's Degree in Criminology at the National Institute of Criminal Sciences in Mexico. Her lines of research focus on the analysis of institutions in the field of education, in a dialogue between pedagogy and anthropology. He collaborates with the GIES research group at the UCLM.

Irene Martínez Martín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España

PhD in Education from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) in the Faculty of Education. Social Educator, Psychopedagogue and Feminist. Her research and teaching topics focus on teacher training on issues related to diversity and inclusion; universal design for learning; feminist, decolonial and intersectional pedagogies; sexuality and equality education; community development, development cooperation and lifelong and popular education. Under these themes she has published articles, chapters and scientific books of impact for the area; she participates in national and international congresses; and she is a trainer in courses, workshops and seminars of scientific dissemination. In addition, she is a member of the INDUCT research group at UCM, collaborates with the GIES research group at UCLM and is a member of several collective action networks.

Natalia Hipólito Ruiz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España

Lecturer in the Degree in Social Education at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Talavera, UCLM. PhD in Humanities, Art and Education from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and member of the Research Group on Education and Society (GIES).
She has participated in research projects related to: Sexuality and equality education in the initial training of teachers and social educators. Comparative Analysis Spain, Portugal and Brazil; European Project, Shelter. Support and counselling through the health system for victims of hate crimes; Evaluation of the implementation, processes and impact of the plan of citizen guarantees of Castilla-La Mancha; Research on Coexistence, Participation and School Integration of ESO students in Castila-La Mancha. These research projects have resulted in several articles and book chapters published in high-impact publishing houses.


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)



How to Cite

Venceslao, M., Martínez Martín, I., & Hipólito Ruiz, N. (2022). Dialogues between trends in pupil and teacher participation in secondary schools. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(EspecialII), 80–91. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v15iEspecialII.4588