Breaking walls. Participation and co-responsibility in education for global citizenship.




Global citizenshi`p, Participation, Education, Community


This work makes a reflexive contribution, built from different research processes, on the concepts of global education and education for global citizenship and the relationship that both terms have with the promotion of participation as a promoter of global citizenship. The causes that have motivated the introduction in the academic debate of the relationship between education, citizenship and participation are analyzed. The authors, members of the Social Pedagogy Group (GPS) for inclusion and social cohesion of the University of Barcelona, ​​present a set of experiences; based on the analysis of research projects developed in recent years, which delve into this relationship and how the values ​​of an education for global citizenship are promoted from the praxis of civic-social participation. The article ends with a contribution of its own that includes a set of pedagogical elements that promote civic-social participation.



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Author Biographies

Asun Llena Berñe, Universitat de Barcelona, España

Lecturer in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona. PI of the research group Grupo de Pedagogía Social (GPS) for social cohesion and inclusion. With professional experience in socio-educational action with children, adolescents and young people, for several years working at the University promoting the training of professionals, applied and collaborative research. She has published several articles and is part of projects and research and transfer processes on topics such as: socio-educational accompaniment, social participation, contexts facilitating youth empowerment, street education and participatory evaluation. It works in collaboration with several city councils and with DGAIA. It is part of the observatory of children's rights. It incorporates a community perspective and an international outlook. She has worked in Denmark and Romania and has held workshops in several European and Latin American countries. Núria Fabra Lecturer in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona. Member of the research group Grupo de Pedagogía Social (GPS) for social cohesion and inclusion. Extensive experience in caring for people in situations of vulnerability and participatory coordination of third sector networks. Coordinator of the master's degree in social and educational action in Justice.

Hèctor Núñez López, Universitat de Barcelona, España

Social educator and pedagogue. PhD in Educational Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Currently, lecturer - Serra Hunter programme in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona.


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial II (2022)



How to Cite

Llena Berñe, A., Núñez López, H. ., & Fabra Fres, N. (2022). Breaking walls. Participation and co-responsibility in education for global citizenship. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(EspecialII), 34–45.