Learning styles in the training of students of the Master's Degree in Mathematics in Secondary Education
Learning Styles, Teaching Styles, Secondary School, Master in Teacher TrainingAbstract
The future teachers of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the specialty of Mathematics, with professional profiles that come not only from the Degree in Mathematics, but also from other disciplines such as Computer Science, Architecture, Telecommunications, etc., have a marked tendency to be theoretical. This implies that when they interact with secondary school students, who are more active and pragmatic, conflicts will be generated in the exchange of knowledge. In this study we intend to analyze in detail the preferred style of future professionals in the discipline of Mathematics, seeing if there are significant differences in relation to gender and academic years (four consecutive years, from the academic year 2018/19 to 2021/22). For the achievement of our research we have used the well-known CHAEA test of learning styles, through the statistical treatment of the data. We have also compared the means of the different styles obtained with the students of the master's degree with previous studies and research, proving that the students of the secondary master's degree in mathematics have a marked tendency in the theoretical and reflective styles above all the proposed studies.
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