Coexistence, inclusion and educational success through the educational participation of the community in a Learning CommunityCoexistence, inclusion and educational success through community educational participation in a Learning Community
Coexistence, Learning Community, school success, educational inclusion, community participationAbstract
In Spain, participatory experiences are being developed in numerous centres that have been transformed into Learning Communities. Their aim is to improve the socio-educational reality of the school and its environment, involving all possible educational agents. This article will analyse how, through the participation of families and volunteers, positive coexistence and full educational inclusion can be achieved, as well as educational success in a school with a diverse student body. The critical communicative approach will be the research methodology used, as it seeks to describe and/or interpret the reality of the school in order to transform it. Equal dialogue between participants and research staff will be the basis of this methodology. By means of the techniques used (in-depth communicative interviews and communicative discussion groups) it will be shown that the real participation of families and volunteers in the educational centre favours the reduction of conflict and increases the inclusion of students, also improving academic results and motivation for learning.
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