What university professors say-feel-reflect on online assessment for learning in higher education


  • Mariano Pimentel Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, Brasil
  • Felipe Carvalho Universidade Estácio de Sá – UNESA (Brasil) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7398-6171




exam, assessment for learning, assessment practices, teacher training, higher education


In this article, we discuss the notion of assessment for learning in contrast to examination. We present some misconceptions related to evaluation and present some principles that substantiate our conceptions and evaluative practices. We question whether such principles help other university professors to think-design assessment for learning in their own daily lives in higher education. Our epistemic-methodological movements are based on the “epistemology of teaching practices” and “research-with the experience” to understand what teachers say-feel-reflect on the principles of online assessment for learning. To achieve this research goal, we offered a remote course for university professors in which the principles of online assessment for learning were implemented, in order to enable all course participants to have a shared experience from which they would present their considerations on the principles taking into account previous assessment experiences and their own assessment practices. From the analysis of the teachers’ narratives, three notions/findings emerged: experiencing a formative assessment process potentiates changes of the assessment practice; effective collaborative assessment and self-assessment has potential, but requires overcoming challenges; and formative assessment does not only depend on the teacher, it also involves some conditioning factors.


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Author Biographies

Mariano Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, Brasil

PhD in Computer Science and Professor at UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). He works on the Postgraduate Programme in Informatics and the Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems; he taught for 10 years on the UNIRIO/CEDERJ/UAB Distance Learning Pedagogy Degree course. He has an extensive academic output, including the organisation of the book "Sistemas Colaborativos" (Collaborative Systems) (2011), which won the Jabuti Prize. He is the coordinator of the ComunicaTEC research group, which develops and researches the use of computer-mediated communication technologies. He collaborates with GPDOC - the Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group (UFRRJ) and CIBERDEM - the Cyberdemocracy Research and Innovation Group (MACKENZIE). He carries out research in the areas of Information Systems, Informatics in Education, Education and Cyberculture. Has h-index = 25 (http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_UDWLSwAAAAJ).

Felipe Carvalho, Universidade Estácio de Sá – UNESA (Brasil)

PhD and a master's degree from the Postgraduate Programme in Education (ProPEd/Uerj/Capes7), a specialist degree in Education with the application of Information Technology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and a degree in Pedagogy from the University Centre of the City of Rio de Janeiro. From 2019 to 2020, he was a FAPERJ sandwich doctoral scholar at the Complutense University of Madrid/Spain (UCM), and a Faperj Note 10 doctoral scholar. She researches online education, teacher training, information technology in education, didactics, difference and cyberculture. He is a member of the Gender and Sexuality Study Group (Geni/ProPEd/Uerj) and the Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group (GPDOC/PPGEduc/UFRRJ). He has worked as an online teacher of the subject Informatics in Education on the distance learning Pedagogy course at UERJ/CEDERJ/UAB.


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How to Cite

Pimentel, M., & Carvalho, F. (2023). What university professors say-feel-reflect on online assessment for learning in higher education. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(32), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v16i32.4545

