Heritage education in future tourism licensed professional’s in the Community of Madrid





teaching and training, curriculum, curriculum subject, cultural heritage, university


The Bachelor's Degree in Tourism taught at Spanish universities must provide students with a comprehensive education that includes heritage education compatible with the National Heritage Education Plan and that enables them to acquire the necessary skills to work as a qualified professional in cultural institutions or companies in the tourism sector. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the curricula in relation to the subjects or training in heritage in the Degree in Tourism of the six public universities of the Community of Madrid. In addition, these data have been compared with the objectives of the Education and Heritage Plan of the Community of Madrid. The study has shown that there are variations between the different public universities in Madrid in the Degree in Tourism and that, in general, they present a relatively insufficient average in heritage content for the acquisition of competences in heritage education and to achieve the objectives of the Plan. Therefore, it is proposed to review and reinforce the curricula in order to achieve an adequate qualification of future professionals in cultural tourism in the 21st century, which will allow the development of sustainable tourism and the balance of the trinomial education, heritage and tourism.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Fernández Laso, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

D. in History from the Rovira i Virgili University and qualified by ANECA as a Senior Lecturer, she is currently a visiting lecturer at the Rey Juan Carlos University. She combines this work with the tutoring of TFM in the Master's Degree in ICT for Education and Digital Learning and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training of ESO, Bachillerato, FP and language teaching at La Nebrija University. Previously, he has collaborated as a lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid, International University of La Rioja, Camilo José Cela University and the Portal Humanidades-Liceus. He has participated in international and national conferences, as well as published in books and scientific journals of impact; and collaborated in numerous archaeological excavations, some as relevant as Atapuerca (Burgos) and Pompeii (Italy). Her current lines of research are heritage education, cultural tourism, heritage and gender and archaeotourism.

María Ángeles López Ronco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

International Doctorate in Tourism from the URJC, 2014, International Master's Degree in International Tourism Management, URJC, 2009 and Degree in Tourism Business and Activities Technician, 1994. She has written 5 articles in scientific journals on didactics, heritage and tourism and is co-author of 2 books and 5 book chapters published by Dykinson. She has also participated in national and international scientific congresses and conferences. She also participated in the Binational Park for Peace project in the first phase of the elaboration of a Tourism Development Plan (2009). With the collaboration of INTUR (Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism), the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Father Fabreto Family Association. She belongs to the Research Group on "Human Legal and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Tourism Activities and the Environment". Currently, he has been teaching undergraduate and official master's degrees at the URJC since 1999.


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How to Cite

Fernández Laso, M. C., & López Ronco, M. Ángeles. (2022). Heritage education in future tourism licensed professional’s in the Community of Madrid. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(Especial), 180–195. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v15iEspecial.4538