The Didactic Units transmitting knowledge in the learning process of a university institution with an online methodology.




Teaching Model, Online teaching, Learning Model, University Institution


The material resources that are developed in university teaching with the online methodology are various, and allow an approach and communication between the teacher and the student. In this article, specific mention is made of Didactic Units, as one of the didactic material resources for transmitting the knowledge and contents of the subjects, in their conceptual, procedural and attitudinal form, forming part of the learning process of university students who study using the online methodology. The main objective is to show how the Didactic Units should be elaborated, in accordance with the Learning-Centred Model and with quality indicators that will serve as a basis for designing an evaluation instrument. A method of bibliographical research and projection of the reality of a university institution with this online methodology will be used. The learning that is carried out by the students is taking into account one of the characteristics of the extensive approach such as flexibility in the autonomy and freedom of the student, but at the same time, there are other teaching-learning models that will help them to integrate knowledge, for example, Ausubel's Organising Model.


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Author Biography

Ana Aguirre Ocaña, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, UNIR, España

D. in Education Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, accredited as a Doctor and is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the UNIR. She also holds the titles of Expert in Family Mediation and Expert in Social Education and Intercultural Mediation. She has taught at several private universities, such as the Universidad Camilo José Cela, the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, and the Universidad de la Salle. She has also taught in vocational training in educational environments. She has participated in the PATED-FORCE Project of the European Community, with ANCED, and has been a member of the EPEDIG and INFAVI Research Group, both at UNIR.


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Portada Volumen 15, Número Especial I (2022) - Revista de Estilos de Aprendizaje



How to Cite

Aguirre Ocaña, A. (2022). The Didactic Units transmitting knowledge in the learning process of a university institution with an online methodology . Journal of Learning Styles, 15(Especial), 97–108.

