Educational success and community participation: a study of the perceptions of adolescent and young Roma women in Castilla-La Mancha
Women, Gipsy, Education, Employment, InclusionAbstract
This article shows the results obtained in an investigation into the perceptions and visions of Roma women in Castilla-La Mancha. It explores the knowledge of possible causes that are produced and reproduced in the group of gypsy girls and adolescents, which hinder their access, maintenance and promotion in the educational system. It also analyses their views on their participation in their environment, on the educational system and on the difficulties in their transition to employment. To this end, a feminist perspective was applied, using the gender approach in the project. The study, which was descriptive and applied, as it was conducted in the context of social action research, was carried out between October 2019 and January 2020. A mixed research methodology was used using surveys, focus groups and semi-structured interviews as techniques. This paper presents the main results collected from these interviews. The purpose of the study was applied, it is intended to investigate aspects that are necessary to take into account in the design of socio-educational actions aimed at the group, and that allow for adjustments in the design in the field.
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