Management of time resources in students and teachers according to the perception of educators during the COVID19 pandemic




Temporal resources, COVID19, Online teaching, lockdown, teachers


The present research analysed the perception of time resource management in both students and teachers, as well as its relationship with gender in a pre-pandemic and confinement context by COVID19 through an analysis based on a quantitative pre-test post-test design without a control group in which 295 teachers from public, subsidised and private schools, aged between 24 and 64 years old, from all levels of education in Spain collaborated. According to the results, the perception of time management by teachers was modified due to the abrupt implementation of online versus face-to-face training, showing a perception of time savings due to new technologies in both students and teachers, as well as an increase in the hours of class preparation, correction of materials and hours of tutoring with teachers' families without differentiation in terms of gender, as well as an increase in the perception of study hours in students, having found statistically significant differences in women.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Estévez-Méndez, Universidad Camilo José Cela, España

Graduated in Bilingual Primary Education with mention in EF and foreign language from CES Don Bosco University (2017). Subsequently, in 2018 he studied the Official Master's Degree in Educational Technology and Digital Competences at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). He is currently pursuing doctoral studies in educational sciences at the Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC) in Madrid. In addition, he has experience as a primary education teacher, and university lecturer at UNIR, in the degrees of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education, as well as in their bilingual modalities. At present, he is a university lecturer for undergraduate and master's degrees at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA), in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Education, as well as at the Universidad Isabel I. 

Álvaro Moraleda, Universidad Camilo José Cela, España

PhD in Education and expert in statistical analysis and research methodologies applied to social sciences. He graduated in Pedagogy (UCM) in 2010, with a contribution to the Department of Theory and History of Education (collaboration grant and honorary collaboration). After completing the Master in Advanced Studies in Pedagogy (UCM), she obtained her PhD in Education (UCM) in 2015, outstanding Cum Laude and extraordinary doctoral prize. Since 2013, she has been teaching experience in Universities (Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education, and Masters in ELE, Secondary Education, Management...), in the areas of emotional intelligence and educational statistical research methods; as well as management positions, such as the current Research Coordination of the Faculty of Education at the University Camilo José Cela. She has an interesting track record in scientific publications and belongs to externally funded research groups.


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How to Cite

Estévez-Méndez, J. L., & Moraleda, Álvaro. (2022). Management of time resources in students and teachers according to the perception of educators during the COVID19 pandemic. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(Especial), 158–169.