Methodologies and innovation in classroom instruction in the subject integrated dental clinic. Tools to evaluate students' satisfaction and their involvement in quality assessment processes.




Checklists, quality control, teaching methodologies


The present project rises from the need, verified in previous studies, to improve the clinical care, the visibility and quality of the subject Integrated Dental Clinic, which is taken by the students of the last year of the Degree in Dentistry. This research aims to establish and evaluate innovative teaching methodologies in order to improve the quality of care for children in the subject Integrated Dental Clinic. We created several Checklists, which are protocoled for each clinical procedure and were made and agreed by 2 expert in pediatric dentistry field. Each one states every single action in order to avoid non-optimal interventions for the patient. An intragroup test was performed with a sample of 50 patients. Regarding the quantification of the impact of the measures carried out on 50 patients/students, the results lead us to believe that the use of checklists, allows students to avoid important problems in relation to the allocation of patients. With this Project, we have designed a learning system that we hope will develop the quality control in the dental clinic. Students will be able to evaluate their own procedures and this will generate the teacher's confirmation of the quality of the clinical assistance performed.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Adanero, Universidad Europea de Madrid

Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid, PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master's Degree in Paediatric Dentistry, Hospital San Rafael Madrid. Official Master's Degree in Integrated Dentistry, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. University Specialist: Comprehensive Dental Care for Children with Special Needs. Diploma in Applied Statistics in Health Sciences, UNED. Master's Degree in Health Management for Health Managers, Universidad Europea de Madrid. Adjunct Professor, Department of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid. Clinical Coordinator of the University Polyclinic of the European University of Madrid. Speaker at various national and international courses, conferences and webinars. Author of several scientific publications. 

Profesora, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid, PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master's Degree in Paediatric Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid. University Specialist: Comprehensive Dental Care for Children at High Biological Risk, Complutense University of Madrid. Diploma of Continuing Education in Aesthetic Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid. Postgraduate in Fundamentals of Design and Statistics, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Master's Degree in Orthodontics, Occlusion and Orthognathic Surgery, UDIMA-Orthoquick. Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Dental Specialities, Faculty of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid. Director of the Master's Degree in Paediatric Dentistry, Interceptive and Functional Orthodontics. San Pablo-Ceu University, Madrid. Speaker at various national and international courses, conferences and webinars. Author of several scientific publications. Creative director of the website

Profesora, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Degree in Medicine and Surgery. University of Granada, Specialist in Stomatology. Complutense University of Madrid. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Complutense University of Madrid. Postgraduate in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Complutense University of Madrid. Postgraduate in Paediatric Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid. Diplôme D'Orthopedie Dentofacial. University of Nantes. Specialist Stomatologist in Orthodontics. University of Oviedo. Specialist in Public Health Programmes. Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Paediatric Dentistry. Principal Investigator of subsidised competitive projects. FIS. MEC, MM. Principal Investigator of UCM projects. Projects art, 83, Teaching Innovation Projects, Service Learning Projects. Editor and co-editor of texts. Author and co-author of text chapters. National and international speaker in the area of Paediatrics, Paediatric Dentistry, Special Patients and Paediatric Maxillofacial Surgery. Director of the UCM's own degree. "Diploma of Specialisation in Integrated Dental Care for Children with Special Needs. Director of the University of Nebrija's own degree "Expert in Paediatric Dentistry". Author of scientific articles in JCR publications. Editor of the Scientific Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. Gold Medal for Scientific Merit. COEM 2012. Award for the Promotion of Oral Health. COEM 2013. Dean's Delegate for Students, Equality and Diversity. Faculty of Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Adanero, A., Martínez Pérez, E. M., & Planells del Pozo, P. (2022). Methodologies and innovation in classroom instruction in the subject integrated dental clinic. Tools to evaluate students’ satisfaction and their involvement in quality assessment processes. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(29), 113–124.