Reverse learning before and during pandemics: a systematic review of the literature
active learning, distance education, higher education, pandemic, teaching methodsAbstract
Flipped Learning (FL) had been incorporated in the face-to-face education environment and, due to the social isolation that led to the virtual modality, teachers began to adapt them to these environments. The study aimed to learn about research trends and describe their effectiveness and acceptance among students before and during the pandemic. A systematic review of the literature was performed to study publications on Flipped Learning. Sixty-six articles were analyzed after a systematic process based on PRISMA other well-known protocols for systematic reviews in the social sciences and education. Results indicated that, in both periods (before and during the pandemic), the tendency was towards quantitative studies. Spain and the United States were the countries with the most publications. Latin America shows few publications and differences in the number of articles in the two periods. The literature reports the effectiveness of FL in teaching before and during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). It is concluded that Flipped Learning is favorable in the context of ERE due to its effectiveness and the trend to its acceptance. Suggestions for future research are presented given the scenarios to come after the pandemic.
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