Teaching-learning styles and influence on motivation and self-esteem





Learning Style, Profesional learning, Motivation


The scientific literature indicates that there are no fixed modes of teaching-learning and that information is not received through a single channel. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between teaching style, learning style, motivation and self-esteem in pupils aged 6 to 9 years and the possible differences between teaching style and learning style on motivation and self-esteem. The sample of 134 pupils in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of Primary Education answered the VAK, MAPE-II and Coopersmith Scale tests. The teachers completed the Teching Styles Inventory questionnaire. The results indicate a significant relationship between teaching style and learning style (.195*) and outcome motivation (.233**), and between learning style and motivation (.182*) and self-esteem (-227**). In addition, a significant difference of innovative and blended teaching style with kinaesthetic and blended learning styles and with outcome motivation, as well as visual learning style in relation to low self-esteem. This suggests the need to develop adaptive and inclusive educational practices that cater for diversity.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Quílez-Robres, Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Zaragoza, Director of the University Expert in High Abilities and Director of the Chair Caja Rural de Teruel for the Development of Talent and Personalisation of Learning. His lines of research focus on the study of the variables that influence learning, academic performance, the study of intelligence and high abilities, as well as guidance and assessment processes.

Nieves Moyano, Universidad de Jaén, España

Professor at the University of Jaén in the Department of Psychology and dedicated to the area of Developmental Psychology and Education. Director of the Equality Unit and PhD from the University of Granada with the thesis Fantasias sexuales analisis de factores determinantes y de su influencia sobre la salud sexual 2014. Directed by Dr/a. Juan Carlos Sierra Freire.

Alejandra Cortés-Pascual, Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Professor of the Faculty of Education, University of Zaragoza. She is a permanent researcher of the UNESCO Chair on Values and Communication. Director of the first Chair in Education at the University of Zaragoza, Innovación Educativa Juan de Lanuza. She is founder of the Research Group EDUCAVIVA of the Government of Aragon (code 262121/1). She is participating in two R+Ds of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as in a European project. She directs the Master in Socioemotional Education for personal and professional development and the Master in Lifelong Learning: Initiation to research of the Faculty of Education, both at the University of Zaragoza. She is also the academic director of the Integral Model of Educational Coaching, which is expanding in Aragon, Spain and Europe. She is an Expert in Education in the European Union. She is a founding member of the Association Coaching Education Training, and currently President. She is a personal and executive coach (CA172 by AECOP) and systemic team coach (by ICF). With two six-year research periods, she develops her lines in career guidance, technoethics and educational innovation and entrepreneurship, and this has led her to numerous publications, conferences, congresses, courses and events in the university and extra-university field. She has won awards, such as the 2012 award for Educational Innovation from the Social Council of the University of Zaragoza and the latest award for the use of innovative technologies in training.


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Portada_Volumen 17, Número 33 (2024)



How to Cite

Quílez-Robres, A., Moyano, N., & Cortés-Pascual, A. (2024). Teaching-learning styles and influence on motivation and self-esteem. Journal of Learning Styles, 17(33), 12–23. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v17i33.4242