Assessment of the evaluation platform “Uevalua”, by the 5th year students of the dental degree at the European University of Madrid




evaluation, rubrics, dentistry, clinic practice


Since 2014, Uevalua digital platform has been used to rate the dental treatments performed on patients by students of the Degree in Dentistry. Currently, both students and teachers are fully familiar with it, but it has sought to analyze whether the objectives under which it was created have been achieved. To do this, a four-question online questionnaire was posed to fifth-year students to see their opinions about Uevalua. 132 students were part of the study, of which 52% answered that the numerical grade they receive after performing a treatment objectively reflects the quality of the work done; 44% considered the feedback that is established between teacher-student to be useful or very useful when evaluating a treatment in Uevalua; 54% considered that the sections that are evaluated in each section of each treatment are representative of the clinical protocols of the subject; 90% considered themselves satisfied or very satisfied with Uevalua evaluation platform.


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Innovación Educativa en Odontología. Espacios, estilos y modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje



How to Cite

Aguilar, B., & Antoranz, A. (2022). Assessment of the evaluation platform “Uevalua”, by the 5th year students of the dental degree at the European University of Madrid. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(29), 129–138.